Wet Bird Couture Presents: The Silver Bell

Like many aspects of modern pop culture, the song “Silver Bells” was first introduced as part of the soundtrack for a major Hollywood film.

Originally named “Tinkle Bells,” songwriter Ray Evans’ first wife gets the credit for persuading him to use “Silver Bells” instead.


But it is no surprise that the silver bell has endured as a symbol of holiday cheer, family and friends and festive celebrations around the world.

A pair of perfect pear-shaped silver bells, sporting a splash of greenery for an accent. (image courtesy of ChristmasAllYear)
A pair of perfect pear-shaped silver bells, sporting a splash of festive accent greenery. (image courtesy of ChristmasAllYear)
After all, there is a timeless elegance to the bell’s natural pear shape.

And the high-pitched chime it makes is pleasing to eardrums of multiple species.

Most importantly, silver-grey is the epitome of elegant style….for those who can pull it off.

Speaking of which, Wet Bird Couture is proud to present its latest must-have look, the “Silver Bell!”

In this image, notice how the model's pure white crest and heck feathers flow elegantly into the silver-grey of the body feathers, evoking a silver bell.
Here, notice how the pear-shaped model’s pure white crest and neck feathers flow elegantly into the silver-grey of the body feathers, evoking a silver holiday bell.
With love (& lots of feathers),

Shannon & Pearl

Holiday 15 Discount Ad

Published by Shannon Cutts

Animal sensitive and intuitive with Animal Love Languages. Parrot, tortoise and box turtle mama. Dachshund auntie. Freelance writer and author. www.animallovelanguages.com

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